Sunday, November 2, 2014

Space Travel Gave Us Our Technology

Space is a dangerous frontier, but one that needs to be traveled.  With the space related accidents this week, I thought that the following lead was a good example for this weeks blog post.

    Virgin Galactic is reporting that there has been an "in-flight anomaly" aboard     SpaceShipTwo. The suborbital flight took off at 9:19am PDT from the Mojave Air and     Space Port in California. Update: Virgin Galactic has confirmed that SpaceshipTwo has     crashed and the California Highway Patrol has confirmed that there is one fatality and one major injury.

    Taken from

I thought that this lead was a good example of a “Hard Lead and Summary Lead.”  I think that it’s a good example of a hard lead because it’s a tragic accident and is an important accident.  This news might not have an impact on everybody, but everybody is interested in space, so the news is impactful.

I thought that the lead summarized the information well and made me want to read more about the accident.  It had the basic information a reader would need to know about the accident.  Then they added the “Update” information that made the information even more impactful.

Editing Mistake

Taken from:

Article Title: Google Is Giving Away Up-To-Date Satellite Images For Free

Mistake: They wrote “goo” instead of “good.”

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