Headline writers need to be on
top of the ever-changing landscape of journalism. Social media has changed the game and the tip
suggesting a headline “be specific” helps in that arena. I pride myself on my headlines, warranted or not. As I discussed in
class, my most recent opinion column titled, “Poetry saved my life” is short
and to the point, but elusive enough to get the reader to generate that click. Headline
writing is something I’ve toyed with in the field for years. I understand how
good headlines guide traffic and I’ve been successful in doing so many times.
Don’t worry, this bit of egotism is not without it’s humility, I’ve written
headlines I’m not entirely fond of, such as: “Music on the Spot: StreetLighters strike up heartbreak ‘In Between Three and Four.” This headline is not
only way too long, but it also showcases my unhealthy need need to always be
punny. I tried to incorporate the album title in the headline, but it just
comes of as a stretch. I’ve been told that puns are a bit passé these days, but
I still insist on using them.
My editing lesson this week comes in the form of a prank. I love the way this hockey player deliberately replaces the word "now" with "meow" (shout-out to Super Troopers) and the reporter seems none-the-wiser. This is an important and hilarious lesson in the fragility of our language. This also poses an interesting question to reporters looking for a quote: How would you quote this?
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