We had a hard time getting my blogger account set up, but i'm finally in! It's a little late, but not for lack of trying, here is my introduction.
My name is
Sarah Jackson and I have about three semesters before graduation. I am an
Anthropology and Communication major with a focus in public relations and a
minor in dance.
I was born and raised in Ogden, UT.
Until recently, I had never lived outside of Ogden. I moved to New York City
for a dance program at the end of July and will be here until December. After I
was accepted into the Broadway Dance Center Training Program I started applying
for internships. I was hired on as a Student Associate in the Madison Square
Garden Entertainment Public Relations department and I’ll be working with them
full time throughout the semester.
I’ve been told that Ant
and Communications sound like a strange combination to some people but for me
they fit perfectly together. My focus in Anthropology is cultural so a large
amount of my time is studying different groups of people. Looking into who they
were, who they are, what they do, and why they do the things they do. With
public relations I spend most of my time studying people; who they are, what
they do, and why they do what they do. Are you seeing the pattern yet?
Obviously that’s a very light, scratch the surface description but I love the
relation between the two and that they both offer such different subjects and
methods while being so similar at the same time.
I never quite know what to write
about myself in introductions but living in NYC I now have two lifestyles I can
introduce: my life in Utah and in New York. When I’m at home I love spending
time with my two dogs. They’re large Weimaraners and weigh about 100 pounds
each. Quite often I’ll take them on runs along the side of the mountain or just
to the park to play fetch. I also spend a lot of time with my five nieces and
nephews. They range from ages 2 to 12 and are some of the sweetest little kids
I’ve ever known. They’re well behaved
and get their humor from their dad whom I also tend to share a sense of humor with.
It’s always a little bit crazy when we get together. When I am in Ogden I also
like to spend a lot of free time at Kairos dance and fitness studio practicing
and performing on the aerial silks and hammock.
Since moving to New York I’ve
learned to take advantage of free events offered throughout the city. Almost
every other day a group of friends from the studio plan outings to various
events throughout the city. We’ve spent afternoons watching Shakespearean plays
in Central Park, Broadway sneak-peak numbers in Bryant Park as well as multiple
free kayaking trips on the Hudson. It’s so easy to explore something new every
day and as much as I’d love to have a place where I am known as “a regular”, my
desire to experience new things keeps me moving around instead of returning to
the same places over and over again.
Ogden to NYC, polar opposites. I'm jealous of the social and night life scene, and it would be hard not seeing mountains everyday and know what direction your going. Good luck in the big city!