So, please remember to spell check everything you type. It is really not hard to press a button and let the computer edit your work. It will show that you are an intelligent human being and that you care about whatever you are writing.
On another note, here are some examples I’ve come across
with terrible grammar and spelling. Seriously guys; no excuse!
This is a ridiculous spelling mistake...Ahh! I have seen this sign before, but I relocated it on

I don't know why, but i expected more from Dunkin' Donuts.. Although, I am not sure how many people will really notice this grammar error at 3am.
I see grammar mistakes like this almost every day in newspapers. I wish I would have saved some to show you. There is definitely a HUGE difference between these two numbers!
(Found this one on
I feel it is important it is important to use the spell-check feature in Word as well. Especially with longer pieces of writing, it can become difficult to keep track of everything that may have been underlined while you were typing, and you may not catch all the underlines in the piece if you just manually go through it yourself. Also, if the spell-check feature provides me with a suggested change that confuses me, I like to look it up online just so I completely understand the rule.