My favorite grammar website is the Purdue OWL. I use this site for every paper that I write. I find the citation section especially helpful when writing research papers. The Purdue OWL is very helpful because it gives examples of how to use words correctly, and gives a list of commonly misused words. I find the section titled "Common Words that Sound Alike" to be very useful, and most of the grammar mistakes that I make can be found on this page. This site is very easy to navigate and has been recommended by many of my past English teachers and professors. This is my go-to site for all of my writing and citation needs. I use it in conjuncture with the current AP Stylebook.
The grammar mistake that I found this week came out of a fortune cookie. This seems like a very stereotypical place to find grammar mistakes. The sentence reads:
Soon someone new coming into your life will be a best friend.
I find the sentence to be muddy and confusing. I would rewrite it as such:
You will soon have someone come into your life, who will become your best friend.
This may be a little long for a fortune, but to me it is less confusing and would be a better way to get your point across.
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