Saturday, September 27, 2014

Chomp Chomp..

One of my favorite websites on grammar is definitely not classified as an OWL.

I like to visit to learn more about grammar and literary terms. I first found this website during my English 1010 class. However, I still reference back to it all the time. I even used it to help understand some of the literary terms for this class! The website contains many definitions for terms and also exercises where you can see them applied in real world scenarios.

The main reason I like this website because it explains things in a way that I understand better. The AP Stylebook is a great tool, but sometimes the examples it provides doesn't help me understand the term. gives example that I can wrap my head around and the exercises seal the information in. It might not be the case for everyone, but it's definitely worth a visit to see if you feel the same way.

Also for my mistake this week I found this mistake on my Pinterest. I'm not sure if it's her fault or the artist. 


  1. I also love Chomp Chomp! Wow, to have a permanently misspelled tattoo. Yikes!

  2. Chomp Chomp is a really good website and I have used it quite a few times for this class. Another one that I really like is Grammar Monster. I think Grammar Monster makes things very simple. I also love the tattoo. I have posted a tattoo mistake on one of my blogs also. I really don't know how things like this happen. I would be so worried about something like this I would check it a million times before I did it.

  3. Getting a spontaneous tattoo can be pretty cool, however, regardless of how spontaneous you should always look of the artist's stenciling before you start the process to put the ink in your skin. Funny how common that is with something as permanent as ink work.
