I found this very offensive billboard online while reading an article. This billboard is offensive to both genders and should never have been installed. It does not seem to be something that any ethical advertising agency would have approved.
This ad gives the impression that all partnerships should be as pictured, between a man and a woman. Many advertisements follow this same concept. Though I did find a good example of an advertisement that promotes a different type of couple than the one pictured above.
Way to go Target.
This is an old example of racism in media but one of the best I have ever seen. This is a great example of why word choice is very important as a writer. The words finding and looting have very different connotations.

This cover shows two examples of how society views aging as negative. I believe the worst is the top right hand corner, "How not to act old." This makes it seem like acting old is a very negative thing and that aging is not attractive.
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