Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lay, Lie, Laid...Which Is It?! (Blog #6)

This one still confuses the heck out of me. I've read over this section a few times and I don't feel like I still understand the differences of the two. It becomes even more confusing when I try to figure the the present and past tense forms of each verb. Eek! So maybe in writing this post I can figure it out. Especially since it may be on the test this week. Let me try to break this down a little bit. Also, if you have any advice for distinguishing the two verbs, I am all ears!

Lay: always requires a direct object (transitive verb)*
Example: I lay the pencil on the table.

Past tense--laid
Past tense example: Yesterday I laid the pencil on the table.

Lie: never takes a direct object (intransitive verb)*
Example: I need to go lie down.

Past tense--lay (this is why it is so confusing!)
Past tense Example: Yesterday, I lay in bed all day.

*transitive verbs: transfers actions to an object in a sentence
intransitive: do not require a direct object

Got it? Me either. I suppose it will just take some more practice.

For my editing mistake of the week, I received a funny email at work. When I read it I knew I would share it on this blog because it made me laugh. I won't share the whole email, but my coworker was being facetious and saying that she was sad about something that happened at work.

"I am so sad, so for the rest of the week I will be in morning."

She spelled mourning wrong, so it made me laugh. It was all just a joke anyways, but the fact that she spelled it wrong made it even funnier to me.


  1. Sandy, your editing mistake made me laugh as well. Even if that had been sent as a serious statement, I would have laughed when I read it. I guess that shows just how important editing can be, a serious situation would have been lessened simply because of a misused word. It is a good things we are in this class!

  2. I agree, the difference if these words is one of the things that I struggle with as well.
