This AP Stylebook is an all right thing. It serves as a great quick reference to some of the every-day stuff that people might have a tough time with. That really goes without saying. The one thing about it that I really don't like though, is that it can be sort of tough to navigate through at first. It likes to redirect you sometimes. Which I guess isn't a bad thing completely, it's just kind of a pain sometimes. I guess it can all be boiled down to having enough time spent with it to just know where you're going to have to look. This is something that I never wish to do. Even though it's really nice to have around, I don't think that I want to carry one around with me everywhere. Not only that, they constantly need revising and updating. My version is from 2011 and most likely out of date. I think the better route would be to try and find some sort of mobile digital version somewhere that automatically updates itself. I just want to buy this thing once and call it good.
There are a lot of redeeming qualities to this stylebook though. I find that the numerals section is especially useful. As well as the official titles and governmental titles sections. Sometimes I like to look at its little punctuation guide as well. It's always nice to be able to have the right punctuation and hyphens and such in the right places so it doesn't look like you're some sort of grammar heathen.
The grammar mishap of the week actually came from our quiz. Now as I said before, my stylebook is a few years old so it might have been changed. But nevertheless, this is what I've got:
According to my stylebook daylight saving time is to be printed with no hyphen and NOT "savings."
I had the same question/issue with that question on the quiz. I do have the 2014 style book and it does say no hyphen and not to say savings. So all the answers looked wrong to me!