Monday, October 6, 2014

Meet Roger Corry

Hello, my name is Roger Corry and I live in Clinton, Utah, with my wife and four kids. I am 46 years old and finally completing my degree in public relations. Along with school I work fulltime at Cornerstone in the Research and Development Department. Cornerstone is located at the BDO in Ogden. I have been in the supplement industry for over 20 years. When you visit the supplement section of your favorite department store, there's a pretty good chance I have had a hand in several of the products. I really enjoy what I do, but to moveup in thy company, I need a degree. Thus, I am back to school.

Going back to school at my age has been very interesting, but I have really enjoyed it. I have spent many long nights studying and cursing the fact that I didn’t complete my degree 25 years ago. What I like about Weber State is that there are a lot of people in my same boat. I have had several classes with people my same age and circumstance. Also I have had several opportunities to work in groups with ages ranging from the mid-41s to high school age. I have learned that it is important to have a broad spectrum of ages in groups. It really helps to add some diversity to the group.

My family has lived in Clinton for eight years. We moved here when I was hired on by Cornerstone. Before living in Clinton we lived in the awesome town of Santaquin. Santaquin is one of my favorite places. My parents moved there when I was in the fourth grade. One of its biggest claims to fame is that Gary Coleman lived there. It is also a pretty popular stop for those headed to Sand Mountain. My wife and I moved to back to Santaquin about four years after we were married. If you haven't been to Santaquin, you need to take a ride and visit. If you do have a chance to visit, you must visit the Red Barn. They have the best ice cream and during October they have a hayride that ends at their pumpkin patch. Also if you want a good burger you should try out the Santaqueen. Santaquin is approximately 20 miles south of Provo.

My wife and I have four wonderful kids: Spencer, 19; [r1] Taylor, 17; Mason, 12; , and  Laci,9. Spencer is also enrolled at Weber State and is working toward a degree in computer science. Our family loves to play board games together and hanging out.

I am excited about this class and getting to know some of you.


 [r1]Written so that these are run-on sentences. Rephrase.

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