Sunday, September 14, 2014

Her and Me thinks grammar exercises are awesome things.

What an interesting and eye-opening week it has been. English is an unbelievably hard language. While I have been doing all of these exercises during these first three weeks, I cannot help but think how tough these foreigners have it when trying to learn our language. I try to go through these exercises and choose the answer that sounds right, but a lot of the time I find that I am selecting the wrong answer. In the world that we are living in right now, not many people will say, "Jim and I are going to watch a movie tonight. Would you like to join the two of us?" I know that is grammatically correct, but we do not speak like that. English in itself is an interesting language, but these grammar exercises take it to a whole different level. I do try to speak correctly and speak the correct way, but even when I feel like I am saying the right things these grammar exercises bring me back down to Earth. English is a stupid language, and this class teaches me that on a weekly basis.
While going through this week and searching for grammatical errors, I came across two that I think show grammatical errors perfectly.

This first picture is more of a spelling error than a grammatical one, but nevertheless, it is a pretty bad one for a doctor's office to make. My brother saw this sign in a doctor's office in Logan and sent me the picture.

I came across this picture while scrolling through my twitter feed this week. The picture is a little bit blurry, but what is shown is the different on a google search when a person types in "how can u" versus "how can an individual." Whether this wording reflects intelligence levels or laziness is beside the point, but what it does show is the difference in using correct grammar versus what we think is ok.
Overall, I am liking this class. However, it is very frustrating to see how bad I really am at the language that I grew up with. I am growing each week with the lessons that we are going through, but it is an interesting experience to say the least.


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