Sunday, September 14, 2014

Stacy Hammon: Finally! An Introduction.

Hello, Everyone. I apologize for taking so long to get my introduction up and running. There were technical difficulties getting my blogger account set up.

My name is Stacy Hammon. I am a senior majoring in English with a creative writing emphasis. My minor is communication. It's destiny. The family myth is I emerged from my mother’s womb clutching a book already knowing how to read. I am told I also have a proclivity for gab, although whether that makes me astute at communication remains to be seen, I suppose.

I find introductions disconcerting. I never quite know what to say about myself. It is much easier to find things to say things about others. I returned to Weber State after taking an eleven year parenthood intermission, and anticipate graduating by the end of summer semester. What I know of editing has been gleaned from oodles of writing, revising, writing more, and most of all reading. Since everything I was officially taught about grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc… occurred long ago, I am excited to learn all the things I think I know already, but about which I actually have no clue what I’m doing.

However, I must be doing something right. With a lot of cliched blood, sweat, and tears, (perhaps not so many tears) accompanied with no less than a miracle or two, I have managed a bit of publishing success. My short story Tamales and Roses is in WSU’s Nontrad’s “Epiphany” journal, and my work has been selected the past two years for presentation at the National Undergraduate Literature Conference. I recently received news another short story, Paint by Number Sacred Heart of Jesus, is going to be published in "The Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle: Journal of Creative Writing." Woo, Hoo!

I have two daughters ages eleven and thirteen. They think I spend too much time reading and writing, so when I am not engaged in either of those, this time of year, one thing the three of us enjoy together is football. We also greatly enjoy pie. My favorite isn't  exactly pie, I suppose—I love pineapple blueberry cheesecake. A lot of pumpkin pie baking goes down around here for any occasion, any season as well. I am relieved the heat of summer is nearly over, and I can get down to reveling in the cold of fall and winter again.

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